A great many family trees were created through grafting...

Renée's parents have a pear tree in their backyard that produces fruit for two months.  It begins in August with tart green pears, firm and crunchy.  The grandkids climb right into the tree and pick it clean and we feast for a month on the produce.  Then, when we think the end has come, a whole new crop is ready, this time brown pears, softer and juicy, with thick skin and liquid that dribbles down the chin.  Some fruit expert grafted a branch of Bosc pears into the Bartlett pear tree and the tree produces a double crop that has faithfully fed the Brink family for 25 years.

"A great many family trees were created through grafting".  Is a quote that resounds with our family.  We have decided to do our own kind of grafting.  We are adopting a child into our family.  He will be our son, a brother for our daughters, a grandson for our parents, and a cousin to our nieces and nephews.  He will be a wonderful, welcome addition to our family (or our family tree), which will be all the richer and beautiful for it.

Our first considerations of adoption were met with surprise and amazement.  Were we really going to consider this?  What is this prodding that we're feeling?  Why is it that this has fallen in our laps, (or more specifically our hearts) at this time?  The idea seemed preposterous and even a little ridiculous, but we were filled with excitement and joy at the same time.  Most good things in our lives seem a little crazy at the start.  Nothing can be more amazing and "ridiculous" then the gift of grace, given to us by God through his Son.  God, claiming us has his own, adopting us, in fact, as his own heirs is a baffling, amazing and incredible story.  It is in this same promise of God's grace that we move on into this amazing, ridiculous and awesome journey of "grace and grafting".

Welcome to our website, our place to share our process, our thoughts and information about our adoption.  On this website you will find information about South Africa, the country from which we will be adopting; Mission of T.E.A.R.S., the agency with whom we are working;  some helpful resources for family and friends of adoptive families; and opportunites for your involvement in this journey.  We are also keeping a blog on this website where we will post updates on the process, pictures of our family and our new son, and reflections on the journey.  We invite you to share this adventure with us and look forward to your comments and thoughts through blog postings.

Thanks for your time and interest in our lives, and in this journey.  

        - Marc, Renée, Sara, and Leah    Email Us!